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Get unlimited rides around town

ONLY $20! Give the gift of a Limitless pass and get unlimited Lexpress rides through June 30, 2024.    Lexpress can get you to and from Lexington Center, the Library, Community Center, after-scho...

Other   Senior Services   T...

SNAP,Inc. Spring Notecards

Special Needs Arts Programs, Inc., (SNAP) has a new collection of botanical cards available this spring.  Cards include images from original artwork created by artists in their Special Artists cl...

Arts / Crafts / Shows / Le...

SNAP Vibrant Voices

SNAP Vibrant Voices, a NEW chorus program for ages 13 to 22, who are neuro-divergent. This program will meet 4 Wednesdays, 7/24 – 8/14, 5-6pm. Vibrant Voices will introduce and work on skill devel...

Music / Concerts / Lessons